Cromatech uses open source software to create platforms, this enables us to employ the latest functionalities as well as to guarantee a continuous evolution of our solutions

Our solutions are based on one of the applications most frequently used worldwide to build web portals.
Drupal is an open-source software jointly developed by thousands of engineers and other experts around the world, which makes it possible for our company to keep up with new functionalities as well as to guarantee a continuous evolution of our platforms.
Drupal is presently used in the construction of various multimedia platforms such as those belonging to governments, universities, magazines, discographic companies and e-commerce, among other.
Thanks to this open-source software, we can offer you an exceptional solution for your business, without paying the price that such a solution would reach in the market if commercial software was used.
Scalability is only one among the many outstanding characteristics of Drupal that differentiates it from other CMS. If your business grows, scalability enables our solutions to grow with your business.